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Safeguarding Children and Young People

Safeguarding and Child Protection  

Safeguarding Children and Young People

These days, equipping yourself with a detailed understanding of the laws protecting children and young people, whether in a school or college, is essential, particularly if you work in an education setting.

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Time:45 mins Certification:Assessed (multiple choice) Approved by:Dr Name Here

Course Summary

CPD/CE Points:  90 Mins

Assessment:  12

Pass Rate:  80%


Course Curriculum

  • Welcome to Teach HQ online learning
  • Introduction

  • What is safeguarding?
  • Who needs safeguarding?
  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance
  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance
  • Summary of part one

  • Definitions of abuse and neglect
  • Emotional abuse
  • Types of abuse
  • Case Study - Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal
  • Physical abuse
  • Case Study – Victoria Climbie
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Sexual abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Clare’s Law
  • Grooming
  • Criminal exploitation and gangs
  • Bullying and cyberbullying
  • Child trafficking
  • Neglect
  • Physical neglect
  • Emotional neglect
  • Educational neglect
  • Medical neglect
  • Indicators of different types of abuse and neglect
  • Summary of part two

  • The 5 R’s
  • Handling conversations where a safeguarding concern is raised
  • Summary of part three

  • How and when to report a safeguarding concern?
  • What records you should make and what you should do with them?
  • What happens after you report a safeguarding concern?
  • Summary of part four

  • Assessment

  • Assessment 12 Assessments

Course Details

Enhance your knowledge and skills with our Safeguarding Children and Young People CPD course. 

These days, equipping yourself with a detailed understanding of the laws protecting children and young people, whether in a school or college, is essential, particularly if you work in an education setting.

By enrolling on this Safeguarding CPD course, you will learn that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, but those who are in regular contact with children, young people and their families, have a very important role to play.

For teachers and practitioners to fulfil their responsibilities, the approach must always be child-centred, meaning they should consider what’s in the best interests of the child.

Participants will learn that having an effective safeguarding culture helps to ensure that children and young people are able to develop and learn in a safe environment where they feel able to express themselves.

A robust and meaningful safeguarding culture is built around vigilance, safer recruitment, forming strong relationships, having the right policies and procedures in place to prevent and protect, access to training, and by maintaining effective communication.

This Level 2 training is the ideal opportunity for education professionals to gain insight into safeguarding children and statutory guidance from the Department of Education’s “Working Together to Safeguard Children” and “Keeping Children Safe in Education”.

Our Safeguarding CPD course is part 1 of a 3-part series.

Course Aims

The Safeguarding CPD course aims to equip education professionals with the knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and their role in protecting children and young people.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the relevant laws, guidance and legislation, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010, participants will better understand their personal responsibilities concerning the protection of the children and young people that they work with, leading to the best possible outcomes.

Course Objectives

Our CPD Safeguarding training also covers key aspects of local safeguarding partners and multi-agency working, showing how these roles impact on, and are essential for, ensuring effective child protection.

In addition, the CPD course will introduce participants to a series of specific high-profile abuse cases and what changes were made. This highlights why robust recruitment measures and criminal background checks are essential for the early detection of any risk. 

Ultimately, those who take part in this CPD course should feel empowered with the knowledge that they can make a difference by playing their part in safeguarding practice.

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