Education and Quality Assurance Commitment 

Course Writers

Our CPD course writers work with us closely to provide you with good quality and up to date online training. Our courses are checked for accuracy at the time of publishing. We work with industry experts and seek advice on specialist subjects.

The training you will receive from us is evidence based, or evidence informed based and the courses are written with aims, objectives and learning outcomes.

Quality Assurance Commitment

We are committed to continuously improving our customers’ experiences. Our aim is to provide the best possible service by reviewing, seeking, and acting upon feedback.

We request that you provide us with feedback after every training course is undertaken. This is because we want to ensure that our training has met your needs and has fulfilled the desired learning requirements. Honest feedback from course participants helps us to provide a high standard of training because we regularly review the feedback provided to us and act in accordance with it.

We will provide you with:

  • Course certificate upon passing
  • Course achievement badge that is stored in your personal training dashboard.

You will need to pass a test after each training course and provide us with feedback before you receive your certificate.

You will have 365 days to complete the course. You can save and return to your progress as many times as you wish.

Our training courses are reviewed every 12 months, and in line with current legislation and guidelines. Courses may be updated more frequently during guideline advice changes.

We do not promote commercialisation through the training courses however we may recommend a service or product after the training course is completed.

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