Core Values


We have a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. We have developed a culture with values, respect and compassion to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are always at the heart of our values.

Our values

  • We celebrate diversity.
  • We give gratitude and appreciation to all others.
  • We believe that everyone has their own story to tell – we listen.
  • We encourage people to have respect for others and themselves.
  • We actively stand up for what we believe and encourage others to do the same – courage!
  • Kindness and compassion are at the core of everything we do.
  • We believe that together we are better.


Our vision is to educate and raise awareness right now in the importance of equality, diversity, inclusion and empowerment. In the hope that the next generation will live in a society where everyone is treated fairly and given equal opportunities.

We must create a society that embraces change and difference whilst giving everyone equal opportunities.

Our long-term goal is to help create a society that accepts and embraces every single person for who they are. Celebrating their skills and the knowledge they add to society whilst supporting them to be confident in being the best version of themselves.

We want people to demonstrate the ability to stand up against injustice, against themselves and for others.

We aim to move away from the promotion of a ‘tolerant’ society and create a society of interconnectedness and freedom.

We want to empower all people and show people how they can build their own resilience when facing adversity.

Together we are better!


is Everyone

  • Educational Practitioners
  • Healthcare Practitioners
  • Public Sector
  • Criminal Justice
  • General Workplaces
  • Parents/Carers
  • The Next Generation.


Our mission is to enable and assist everyone, including workplaces, the public sector, children, and young people to enhance their personal, social and emotional development by providing a framework that educates and promotes: equality, diversity, inclusion, and empowerment.

We want to remove the tick box and tokenistic approach to multiculturalism, diversity and discrimination by creating a fully inclusive society where everyone feels comfortable in their skin.

We want to see multicultural and diversity practice embedded into workplaces, communities and classrooms to encourage and support a more whole and happy society, removing barriers of prejudice attitudes and bias assumptions.

The tida framework will provide education and training in:

  • Human rights.
  • Bias, prejudice and stereotyping.
  • Impact of discrimination and racism.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • Importance of identity
  • Self- reflection and self-development.
  • Empowerment and resilience.


To give everyone the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make a difference in their workplace, community and classroom.

To educate everyone in human rights and show how we can use these rights to protect everyone in our society.

Provide an opportunity for everyone to recognise their own unconscious bias and assumptive behaviour.

Support everyone to recognise bias attitudes, acknowledge and respond.

Highlight the importance of multicultural resources, embedding them into everyday practice, and the need for ethnic minority children’s home life to be reflected within the classroom.

Demonstrate to practitioners the impact racism has on a child, their family and wider society.

Provide CPD to everyone to develop their multicultural practice.

Support children and young people to develop strong positive racial and cultural identities of themselves and others.

Build relationships and connections within the community to create cultural competence.

Reduce hate crime figures and eliminate institutionalised racism through effective conscious and unconscious bias training and awareness. 

To work in partnership with others to create a community of interconnectedness.


 We deliver training both in-house and online for everyone, including practitioners and professionals, helping to recognise their unconscious bias attitudes and others’ discriminatory practises. Provide an opportunity for everyone to develop a deep understanding of the importance of embedding multiculturalism into everyday practice to support positive identity development. Highlight and implement changes to allow practitioners and professionals within the education and public sector to fully support all children and young people they work with using a holistic, multicultural, diverse and anti-bias approach. Instil positive self-esteem into those we work with to ensure confidence when making small or significant changes in their workplace, offering tailored, continuous support.

In addition, we also look at the wider diversity issues that impact our young people and communities, focussing on service delivery and meeting the diverse needs of everyone in society to reduce discriminatory and prejudice attitudes and actions that impact communities including hate crime, to create community cohesion. We deliver workshops to children and young people to support their racial and cultural identity and provide positive awareness of others in our community and wider society.

We are also able to offer support in effective policy and procedures through:

  • Policy and Procedure Review
  • Policy and Procedure Development
  • Policy and Procedure Implementation
  • Leadership and Management Guidance.


We are able to offer standard and bespoke packages to suit all organisations as we realise one size doesn’t fit all through, a range of face to face and online training, workshops and mentoring. We provide all our clients with ongoing support and CPD packages to allow for the embedding of change in practice, attitude and actions.