Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

At tida we have a strong commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Our mission is to develop a culture with values, respect, and compassion to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are always at the heart of everything we do.


Remember, You + Me = We.

We want to share our core values with you:

  • We celebrate diversity.
  • We give gratitude and appreciation to all others.
  • We believe that everyone has their own story to tell – we listen.
  • We encourage people to have respect for others and themselves.
  • We actively stand up for what we believe and encourage others to do the same – courage!
  • Kindness and compassion are at the core of everything we do.
  • We believe that together we are better.



Equality does not mean that you must treat everyone equally. It simply means that everyone must be given the same opportunity regardless of their age, race, ability, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or beliefs. At tida we recognise that all individuals do not begin from equal starting points and that everyone has the right to develop to their full potential.  Therefore, to contribute to society all individuals should be treated fairly and equally with support to remove barriers of prejudice and discrimination.



The term ‘diversity’ acknowledges that we are all unique and different from each other.  This includes visible differences, such as our physical appearance and differences that we are unable to see, such as sexual orientation and mental health conditions.



Inclusion is when we are given a place and the opportunity to fit in and belong, without any barriers of prejudice and discrimination. It means that we can feel included in the environment that surrounds us, enabling us to feel comfortable to voice our ideas, opinions, hopes, dreams, and fears in a safe and dignified way. Inclusion allows us to feel listened to and respected.

Inclusion is the responsibility of everyone. Without inclusion there can be no equality.


Why is equality, diversity, and inclusion important in the TIDA workplace?

Equality, diversity, and inclusion are vital to build a harmonious team, where everyone feels respected and valued.

Promoting an inclusive environment also allows acceptance and understanding towards those around us and the wider community.  This gives our employees a basis to build a successful career without fear of discrimination.  It also creates a positive working ethos within tida and offers opportunity for progression if desired.

We follow the Equality Act 2010 laws to ensure that everyone gets equal opportunities to succeed.


Core values our business

Equality, diversity, and inclusion is deep-rooted into the core values and business ethos at tida.

The core values are clearly communicated to employees. Our Directors and Leadership team should lead by example, demonstrate the standards expected in our everyday practice and inspire others to do the same.


Key principles

Key principles to build our equal, diverse, and inclusive workforce:

  • Effective and clear communication.
  • Clear expectations.
  • Promotion and reminders of the business core values and ethos.
  • Fair and equal opportunities for all.
  • Regular team meetings.
  • Value and respect for our team.


Workplace rights

We have workplace rights for our employees.

  • Fair recruitment processes.
  • Equal rights and fair practices.
  • Fair and positive behaviour from team members and managers.
  • Equal access to benefits, promotions, and opportunities.
  • Fair complaints procedures.
  • Ability to make a grievance without fear of reprisal.



We provide fair recruitment processes that include:

  • Fair job advertisements are created and displayed in a variety of places.
  • Job descriptions are provided so that applicants can be assessed against the job criteria.
  • CV’s have names and sensitive details removed to prevent bias opinions forming before the interview stage.
  • We use more than one person to interview each applicant.
  • The same interview questions are used for each person.
  • Questions are relevant to the job role.
  • All applicants are treated the same, and personal characteristics never play a part in recruitment.
  • The pay scale is the same for each job role and does not vary from person to person doing the same job.
  • If a person matches the job role criteria and has a disability, then reasonable adjustments can be made to accommodate the disability.
  • If a person matches the job role criteria and language is a barrier, additional support will be provided.
  • We will never ask questions about health and disabilities.

Note: Failing to offer an applicant a job because of a protected characteristic is direct discrimination and is an offence under UK laws.


Reasonable adjustments

We have a responsibility to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to accommodate employees with a disability.

For example:

  • Modifying buildings and equipment.
  • Providing car parking spaces close to the business premises.
  • Allocating duties when a person cannot fulfil them due to their disability.
  • Allowing regular breaks.
  • Assigning mentors.
  • Updating policies and procedures.
  • Disability workplace audits.


Delivery of our service

We are committed to:

  • Providing you with services that meet the requirements required to treat everyone fairly, and in a non-discriminatory way.
  • We always consider the needs of our customers and we embed equality and diversity into our services to you.
  • We are flexible and we will make necessary reasonable adjustments when required.
  • We monitor and evaluate customer feedback to ensure we are providing you with the highest standard of services possible.


Email: info@tidapproach.com

Writing: TIDA APPROACH LIMITED, Green Lane, Redcar, Cleveland, TS10 3RB

Contact Us

10 + 11 =


Company Number 12982357

We will provide educational material that meets the requirements of individuals fairly and in a non-discriminatory way. We will be flexible in our approach and tailor learning needs to meet individual requirements.

Our principles are fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy when considering the needs of our customers.